I really have to thank my mum for loving me so much that she will constantly whipped up delicious meals with nicely marinated meat so that I can get to have my regular intake of meat proteins.
Everytime I cooked this dish, my love for my mum deepens even further. She was my best friend and my mum and I really missed her so much. I wish my son could have the chance to meet his wonderful grandmother. I'm sure my mum will be whipping up fantastic dishes for my son too if she is still around. I miss you mummy.
Mummy's Pork Chop

Serves 3 (if this is your only dish)
2 pkts Pork Loin, sliced
2 Potatoes, cut into small pieces
1 Large yellow Onion, thinly sliced
1 cup Mixed Peas
3 tbsps Ketchup
1 tbsp Oyster Sauce
1 bowl Water
20pieces Cream Crackers, grounded into powder
Salt to taste
Marinate for Pork (please marinate for at least 4 hours prior to cooking)
1 Egg
3 - 4 tbsps Light soya sauce
Salt & Pepper to taste
1st Step
- Sliced the pork to about 0.5cm thick and pound the meat with a meat mallet or the back of the knife to tenderise the meat.
- The meat will spread out quite a bit after the hammering :)
- Once this is done, marinate all the pork slices and seal the bowl with saran wrap and put it into the fridge.
Putting the dish together
- Heat the wok with oil and deep fry Potatoes till golden brown. Scope it out and leave it on paper towel to drain off excess oil.
- Next, coat the marinated pork slices with the grounded cream cracker powder.
- Once it is evenly coated, deep fry in the same oil. Continue the process until all the pork slices are done.
- Leave the pork slices on paper towel to drain off excess oil. Once cool, cut into 1.5cm strips.
- Pour the oil away and wash the wok.
- Heat some oil in the cleaned wok and start by frying the sliced Onions till fragrant.
- Next, pour in the cup of mixed pea and stir for 1 min.
- Add ketchup and continue frying for another min. Add in the bowl of water.
- Continue stirring for about 2 mins, add the oyster sauce and some salt to taste. Do not add too much salt at this point as the pork chop may be salty.
- Once the sauce starts to bubble, add in the potatoes and the pork chops
- Now you can taste the sauce and if it is still too bland, you can add salt or more oyster sauce to your taste.
- Cover the wok and let it simmer for 1 min just to get the flavour into the pork
- If you want more sauce, you can add more water.
- Serve with rice.